

1Asparagus is a hardy perennial, meaning it will grow every year. The whole of the plant is edible, but we tend to eat the stalks, called spears. It takes two years from planting to get a crop to eat.

You can plant Asparagus from the seed, or from crowns between March and May. Grown from seed, it should be sown indoors. Asparagus is one of my favourites, so I am quite excited.

My Asparagus Diary

13th April 2013 – Day 1 - I have planted a couple of individual seeds in each pot in moist compost about 1 cm deep as it says on the packet and labelling on a white potting stick. The conservatory is giving it the warm, light conditions that it needs. I am watering every couple of days as it is very sunny at the moment, but only to make the soil damp, not saturated. Asparagus 21st April

21st April 2013 – Day 8Of all the vegetables sown, my asparagus has not yet sprouted shoots. Maybe this is because it will not yield a crop for two years??? All I can do is wait and see.

27th April 2013 – Day 14 - Still no sign of anything. I will not abandon them just yet!

6th May 2013 – Day 23 - Hooray!!!!!! I am glad I was patientAsparagus as it has paid off. Some fine seedlings are showing, but they are much too delicate to do anything with just yet, so I will continue the same care as they have already been given. The spot in the veg patch is waiting……………………Asparagus


19th May 2013 – Day 36 - These seedling are looking so much healthier, and more have come up. They have a fern like quality to them and I think they are now ready to plant out. I am going toAsparagus planted plant them at the back for the vegetable garden as they will not yield a crop this year.

I have dug three shallow trenches which are 30 cm apart. THe trench is about 8 cm deep and I have sprinkled some compost in the bottom and watered it slightly. Each seedling needs to be about 30cm apart, giving them plenty of room to bush out. Now, they just need water regularly and sunshine, so come on British summer!!!

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