My 6 year old daughter was adamant she wanted a pumpkin crop for Halloween! They are also great to use in recipes as they are a sweet vegetable and are often used in sweet recipes as well as savoury.
Pumpkin seeds should be planted in April or May if you want them to be ready in October. They are easy seeds to plant as they are quite large, so they are easy to plant individually.
My Pumpkin Diary
13th April 2013 – Day 1- It was easy to plant one seed in each section of the tray, about 3 cm deep in moist compost. I labelled the tray with a potting stick, of course and put them on the conservatory window sill. I will put water in the tray every couple of days, so I do not saturate them.
21st April 2013 – Day 8 – Really pleased, they have sprouted well. My husband, at this point, decided to look up how many pumpkins could be on each vine. Apparently six is an average number. I may be giving away many to friends!!!!! They also might take up a lot of space, so we will see how they get on.
27th April 2013 – Day 14 - Oh my goodness, they already need planting into bigger pots! You can see in the picture that the roots have alreay wound themselves down to the bottom of the small pots. I can see I may not have enough garden! Anyway, they are strong enought to be put into bigger pots for a couple of weeks before planting out.
Out of the 12 seeds planted, 9 have sprouted, so I have put the pots in a larger tray for watering and on a shelf in my greenhouse frame. Can’t wait to see these get bigger.
6th May 2013 – Day 23 - Time to plant out. They are large and strong and the roots, once again, have spread throughout the pot. now, having a smaller garden than I would wish for, I can not plant all of the seedlings out and they are supposed to be planted 2-3 feet apart. I have had to go for about 1 and 1/2 feet apart, so I can plant 8 of them. The last one, I shall try growing in a large pot and my daughter can look after that one.